Find an Experienced and Compassionate Family Lawyer Near Me

Looking for a family lawyer near me? Find out how Person Law Offices in Doral, Florida can help with your family law needs.

Family Lawyer Near Me in Doral, Florida


Family law matters such as divorce, child custody and child support disputes, as well as other family law issues, can be stressful and overwhelming. These issues often involve children and feature complex relationships between spouses.

If you experience these legal issues, it is crucial you hire a good family law attorney. If you don’t, you may end up with visitation rights that do not fulfill your parental needs, a child support bill you can’t afford, or even as a primary or custodial parent with not enough money to support your children.

We at Person Law & The Immigration Law Offices of Matt Person are, first and foremost, a civil law firm, and family law is a large part of this practice area. Our lawyers are highly qualified in different areas of family law, including divorce, child custody, child support, and other related matters. We provide personal, diligent, and responsive service to our clients.


Finding an Experienced Family Practice Lawyer Near Me

Some people going through a divorce think they don’t need a family law lawyer. Deciding on whether or not you need an attorney well-versed in family law legal issues in Doral, Florida, can be difficult. However, there are several family law related matters in which retaining an experienced attorney can be considered beneficial and even mandatory. 

That is the case when you are navigating complex divorce proceedings. Divorce proceedings include deciding about property and household or business assets, parental rights, alimony, and other legal issues. A family law lawyer can ensure your rights are protected. 

Child custody and support issues can also be messy. If problems arise, an experienced family lawyer at our law firm can help you solve them. Some divorce cases are referred to mediation during the proceeding, where they can negotiate their own agreement. That can result in greater satisfaction for both parties in comparison to parties who go through a trial.

However, you shouldn’t hire just any attorney or the first law firm you hear about. You should make sure to hire a law firm whose practice areas include family law. The emotional fallout often consumes spouses, and experienced attorneys can help them through these challenging times.

Our law firm has offices in Miami and Doral, Florida. Our Miami family lawyers are focused on your issues and dedicated to providing affordable legal services to families since 2013. We can negotiate your divorce and family law matters, including time-sharing rights, alimony, and other issues with the highest standards of diligence and professionalism.

Family Lawyer Near Me in Doral Florida section


How can we help you?

How Can I Afford the Best Family Lawyer Near Me?


Under State of Florida Law, lawyers who file cases in family courts have to have a fixed hourly rate fee and can’t work on a contingency fee arrangement. 

However, in some cases, courts may order one spouse to pay attorney’s fees and costs in divorce, custody, and child support proceedings. That is especially the case if the parties are not equal when it comes to finances because both sides must have equal access to representation during a family law proceeding. 

A crucial part of our services is working closely with our clients and ensuring we achieve the best possible result concerning their legal needs. Whether you have experienced complex divorce, child custody, support or alimony issues, our Florida family law attorneys, with years of experience in handling these cases, can help.


What If I Can’t Afford Child Custody and Family Law Lawyer Near Me?

If you can’t afford divorce or family law attorneys, you still have several options. For example, you can search legal aid societies. However, you have to fulfill certain requirements to qualify for legal help. But, in some Florida counties, domestic violence victims may not be subject to the income guidelines.

In some cases, you may be able to retain an attorney for a specific area and limit the expense of their legal assistance. In addition, you can always self-represent, but this generally won’t ensure a successful outcome. There are virtual legal advice clinics where you can ask a question and get an answer from a volunteer attorney. But, have in mind that some Florida family court judges may not be supportive.

Some law firms, like Person Law Offices, offer free consultations. Prepare a list of questions before the meeting to make the most of your time. It is important to take time to ask questions in order to understand the process. You can learn a lot from a family law legal professional. 

Trusted Family Court Lawyer Near Me

Trusted Family Court Lawyer Near Me


When looking for qualified family lawyers, how do you choose the right one? First of all, you have to find a lawyer that you feel comfortable with. You may need to disclose embarrassing or confidential information, so make sure your lawyer is sensitive yet qualified enough to represent you in court. 

Your chosen legal representative doesn’t have to be the top-rated lawyer in the state. But, he or she has to have at least several years of experience in family law. Don’t settle; demand both experience and expertise. 

Also, make sure your lawyer has a good reputation among their peers. In addition, you can ask your friends or family for a recommendation or look online for ones who have good reviews and results that back up their expertise.

A family law attorney can help you plan a strategy to maintain your property and negotiate custody and other legal issues you may be facing. Our family lawyers can represent you in court, advocate for you, and prepare documents with your best interests at heart. Learn more about our lawyers and reach out for legal advice, beginning with a free consultation. 


How to Find a Family Lawyer Near Me: Person Law Offices Can Help 

In a family law dispute, you need a lawyer who makes you feel comfortable and who is able to answer your questions clearly and in a way you understand. Avoid those who suggest something unethical or anything you are not comfortable with. The right lawyer won’t pressure you and won’t hesitate to provide any credentials you request. 

Our family lawyers at Person Law Offices have the skills, experience, and track record to handle your case with the highest standards and achieve the best possible results. Let them evaluate your situation and come up with a solution that best fits the needs of everyone involved. Contact us today for a free consultation.


How can we help you?

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